Registration closed

Registrations for Picking up the PACE have now closed.  If you would like to attend please contact a staff member on 0800 693 323 to discuss your attendance.


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Caring Families Aotearoa National Conference

New Zealand’s only caregiving conference is this September! If you are a caregiver, or work in the care sector then don’t miss your chance to attend. We have two days packed full of workshops and keynote speakers to encourage and support you on your caregiving journey. Come along for an unforgettable experience of learning and connection with other caregivers.

Picking Up the PACE, is the final step in our PACE journey that started in 2019, with Setting the PACE, which hosted a wide range of national and international speakers. A parenting attitude of PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy) gives caregivers the ability to understand without judging the internal experience of the tamaiti (child). We introduced you to Dan Hughes' DDP (Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy) and we have integrated these principles into all our training and organisation.


We followed this in 2022 with Keeping the PACE and built on our knowledge of DDP and PACE with follow up presentations from Dan Hughes and Dr John Baylin. We heard the latest research from them and others from across therapeutic care, and how we can use these skills in our therapeutic parenting to create healing homes and form secure attachments with our tamariki.

We now bring you Picking Up the PACE - over the two days we hope to;

Offer a refresh for those who are new to the principles.

Consolidate your knowledge for those with a bit more experience,

and give you the opportunity to hear from international experts, and NZ experts, in various areas of therapeutic care who can help you to put the principles into practice.

We can't wait for you to join us. Registrations are now OPEN.

Feedback from 2022

“It’s inspiring, reinvigorating, and can’t wait for the next one. So much to take away and implement with continued support”

“This conference has equipped me with the right information and better understanding to care for tamariki/rangatahi in foster care”

“The conference has been great for connecting with other caregivers and sharing stories.”

"It was amazing to get the opportunity to hear from international leaders in the field, THANK YOU! Lots of take-aways and deeper understanding.”